Our vision


Until recently, the importance of the intestines for the overall health of our organism was underestimated. In recent years, it has been scientifically proved that unhealthy intestines relate to many common diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Mental illnesses, as well as musculoskeletal diseases may also be triggered by unhealthy intestines.

Our vision is based on the concept of a “healthy body” by means of “healthy intestines”. Nutrients, vitamins and minerals will not serve their purpose unless duly absorbed by our intestinal flora.

We see the solution in useful bacteria, or probiotics. No doubt, probiotics which are included into most of our products will help grow normal intestinal flora and thus facilitate the absorption of vitamins and minerals by the organism.

Innovative formulas with probiotics, vitamins and minerals used in our products contribute to a “healthy body” and its best possible functioning.